Friday, November 14, 2008

Cleveland Rocks!

We just went to Cleveland, Oh for an overnight trip to see a concert, and here are some of the bits of the trip that I wanted to share:

This is from the skate park outside of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame--I just loved the red metal flaming gates that were surrounding it. There was also some graffiti there, but nothing too exciting. I was hoping to see some stickers while I was there too, but those were also lacking in teh more touristy areas that we were in. Although at the end of the trip we saw some nice stuff, but I didn't get to take any photos. :o(
This is my mom, Elizabeth (a friend of the family) and myself, on a windy morning in downtown Cleveland! It was lovely weather that day!

This is Downtown Cleveland from one of the private beaches on the Lake Coast.

This is downtown Cleveland, Ohio!

Hello Cleveland!

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