Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 14

Today I mailed a package to my boyfriend overseas. I stuffed a flat rate shipping box to the point of bursting and took that ten pound sucker to the post office to send it on it's way. I hope that he gets it intact and that he enjoys what's in it. It drives me crazy though that he won't get it for 2 to 4 weeks... I can't wait to see what he says about the contents and a month is a long time to wait!!!!



Mike Witt said...

Thanks so much I can really use a package there's days I just want to run, be free, and most of all give my girlfriend a big hug and kiss... It's too bad I have to wait:-( You have a package on the way as well. I think it's getting close to a week since I sent it.

Mike Witt said...

I was super lucky it only took a week!!! I got a bunch of great stuff. Including one of Gus's old toy parts that one makes me smile. I swear Michelle washed it because it smells good, she told me no and Gus loved this toy soo much it was always wet from him licking it lol.... It was the lamb's head. THANK YOU Michelle :o)

lee said...

hey Michelle, was going to ask you what you sent him,,but now I know...

Coleen said...

Michelle, I can see you are a blessing to many. Keep up the good work girl. I"m following here, I'd love it if you followed on mine. I have two: