Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 13

The gift of listening: that's what I gave today. Unfortunately a couple of my friends had really terrible days today and I spent some time listening to each of them. One of my friends is going through a divorce and is struggling trying to figure out how to keep her family together and the other has lost her job unexpectedly. I felt terribly sorry today that I couldn't do more to help everyone, and I felt thankful to have the blessings in my life that I have. I really wish those of you going through some hard times a lot of luck and blessings. I know that things will end up working out fine in the end... we just have to struggle through it a bit right now, but I hope you all know you can count on me to help with whatever I can give!

Best Wishes to everyone!

1 comment:

Nicole Austin said...

sometimes the best thing you can do is just lend an ear or a shoulder to a friend in need! your friends are lucky to have you to talk to! :)