Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas... if you can!

Things are crazy around the holidays! Seriously I always think I'm doing so well and then at the last minute things get crazy and I'm scrambling for everything. I hope my friends don't mind that this year I did more usual and unique gifts. Lots of handmade things and also lots of weird gifts that I've found throughout the year. Of course my friends know that coming from me you just kind of take whatever you can get and enjoy it however you can! Tradition isn't necessarily a strong word in my vocabulary for those of you who hadn't already figured that out!

So, anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone and enjoy your holidays! Don't get too stressed out and just think that you can indulge in all the cookies, candy, food, and goodies you can handle right now because for the next few months there won't be any around anyway!!! :o)

Merry Christmas!

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