Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Festival of Trees Pictures

These are pictures from the festival of trees in Fort Wayne at the Embassy Theater! Enjoy!
This tree is called the Penguin's Parade--not sure what it is supposed to be exactly, but the tree is on it's side and it's really kind of different than anything we've seen there in the past!
This was our favorite tree--it was done by children at a local school and the entire tree was done with a theme of mice! The ornaments are so cute--sponge cheese ornaments, mice houses from milk cartons, felt mice with candy cane tales, not to mention they took groups of three round bulbs and put them together in the shape of a mouse. It's so cute! I think these kids did a wonderful job!!!
That is Ben wearing my mom's hat. (He thought he was Indiana Jones.) His favorite tree was one with a spanish theme including pinatas, sombreros, and a little Santa playing a guitar, wearing boots and standing by a cactus. It was cute!
I love the top on this tree--I'm going to have to look for one like this at the after Christmas Sales this year! This tree actually was done by a dentist's office and if you look closely you will see the cute ways that they used dentist office items to decorate this tree in a really bright, festive sort of way!

If you don't have your tree up, let me know if you need ideas! I'm sure to come up with something--although whether or not you like it is another story all together!!!

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